Repellents As Combination Intervention Tools To Fight Malaria In Uganda

Roperfree mosquito repellent is soon hitting the entire Uganda market after the Uganda National Malaria Control Program decided to close the missing gaps attributed from using the bed-nets for the first time in recognizing repellents publicly by advertising via Twitter and Istagram, as alternative outdoor intervention tools to fight malaria by stopping mosquito bites during the virtual malaria sensitization campaigns by the Ministry of Health, on recent Valentines’ Day.

Repellents Added on as Combination Intervention Tools Fight Malaria in Uganda   

  • Prevent Mosquito bites  
  • Stop Malaria transmission  
  • Stop the masses from falling sick of malaria
  • Children & mothers do their work/studies at night without worrying of mosquito bites
  • Works as 24/7bednets
  • Save lives in terms of mortality and morbidity
  • Deterring mosquitoes which have changed behavior by collecting the blood meal during the day time.

Beneficiaries of Roperfree Mosquito Repellents: 

The most vulnerable groups of malaria mainly; young children and pregnant mothers. 

Children will able to be free of malaria once they use the mosquito repellent oil 

Healthy children will able to pursue their studies. 

Poverty reduction; parents will not spend more valuable productive time (work) and money for medical health care expenses on their children.

Pregnant mothers would be able to deliver healthy babies & would not suffer from anemia which could be attributed with malaria sickness.

How is Roperfree Different from Other Intervention Tools on Market: 

The differences compared to other mosquito repellents mentioned above available in the market, firstly, nets (LLIN's) is fixed on beds, not easily moved, and can only work when a child sleeps under the net. LLIN;s have always been prone to misuse, such as wedding gowns, veils, fishnets, garden nets etc. some parents' perception preventing their children from sleeping under the nets. Mosquito coils are expensive to use and fire hazardous to the children and majority of Ugandans do not have hydro electricity, Mosquito candles are fire hazards, fixed and not mobile, need fire to lit them and they are not safe to be used on children mosquito repellent soaps, need water to be used so in absence of it, can't be work! And water scarcity in children for drinking could be detrimental to them for bathing. Mosquito creams are chemical oriented, could be unsafe for children to use and expensive to buy. Insecticide sprays & larvicides always at the mercy of the government, and policies can take long for implementation due to funds and logistics so children and pregnant mother can take long to receive the service in the high density mosquito affected areas.

  • Malaria is public health concern in Uganda.
  • Prevention is better than cure
  • Roperfree Mosquito Repellent is stopping mosquito bites and malaria transmission in absence of bed nets. 


Roperfree Brand Products outlets as follows:

Kaazi Resort Beach Hotel- Busabaala- Kampala

Sure House Shop G3 on Bombo Road 

Woodlin Supermarket- Entebbe Rd, Lweza 

Standard Supermarket - Garden City JR Shoppers Supermarket- Busabala- Kibiri Shea House- Muyenga 

Road Maridadi Crafts Plot 8, Kintu Road opposite Hotel Imperial Royale 

Jakana Organic Foods Ltd, All Natural Food Processor & Packing 

Sankara Supermarket, Entebbe Road 

Kasumba Square- Busega, Kampala 

Hendi Uganda Limited- Italian Supermarket, Muyenga 

Paradise Gardens - Kajjansi ,off Entebbe Road 

Freeca Pharmacy, Wandegeya 

Mega Supermarkets; Opposite Old taxipark

 Majex Pharmacy- Kajjansi town center, Entebbe Road 

KamCare Pharma Ltd, Plot 6. Prime Complex Wilson Rd. 

Spring Pharmacy, Wilson Road 

Ecopharm Pharmacy, Capital Shoppers Mall- Ntinda 

Eurojoi Pharmacy plot 3 William Street, Kampala 

Backpackers- Mengo 

Millennium Supermarket- Kisemiti, Kololo 

Numack Pharmacy- Mengo, Kampala 

Aidchild-Equation Gallery & Art CafĂ©, Masaka- Mbarara Road 

Roper- Fashions - Kampala Road on Kampala Plaza

West- Link Pharmacies; Lubowa Quality Village Mall & Kitende Entebbe Road. 

JohnRich Supermarket: Kabalagala, Gaba Road



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