Fighting Malaria from Gene to Reality

 By Roperfree

Roperfree started with an idea of fighting malaria in the Sub-Saharan Africa focusing on Uganda, my family thought that it was a crazy idea! And they could not understand why I should be wasting time and  money in venturing into solving problem of malaria when the disease has always been there for ages even before Uganda got independence, it was very serious debate filled with brainstorming and no one in the family could understand why should I waste time and money to fight malaria as its government responsibility to come up with such a solution and implement it. I kept thinking about it and how I could go around, despite the government bureaucracy but I was determined to follow my dreams and after all it was my money and time to invest and above all what I wanted is to save people’s lives from dying or getting malaria whereas I never thought about making money but to focus on saving people’s lives, creating a good legacy and to give back to the most vulnerable people in the community.

Roperfree Background Business Acumen:

Our parents worked hard and taught us a lot on how run business, financial discipline, booking keeping, customer care/service and means to  make business to survive in turmoil (such as; the current pandemic) , always our parents wanted to add value on other people’s lives by improving their standard of living.


Our parents started from a humble beginning and became successful entrepreneurs without robbing the bank!

The basic principle of an entrepreneur is having great integrity while making right decision in the best interest of the company based on facts, reality and reason.

They further mentored us good characteristics of an entrepreneur

Being passionate/successful entrepreneurs have passion for what they do

Being busy business savvy: As an entrepreneur, you will need to do everything in your business, at the least at the beginning

Having confidence and believing in yourself

Being self driven and always on time in order to accomplish your goals

Good planner and listener plus always to make research and gather information for best implementation of your business

Having good financial discipline (managing finances)

Not to give up as quitters never win.

A products or service should be solving people’s problems


Entrepreneurs are not just business men/women but they use business skills to solve pending problem in return for money in fact they contribute greatly in improving people’s lives by upgrading their standard of living & condition.

I wish Uganda could embrace & follow suit like; America, Europe or China by encouraging entrepreneurship, industrialization and advanced technological revolution to stimulate the economy and to attain a fair play in global economy.

 Uganda will be saved from poverty and high unemployment by encouraging foreign investments, conducive & fair business environment plus low taxation to encourage foreign investors and citizens to start their own businesses in harmonized tax environment whereas Ugandans have to be sensitized on taxes and to work in harmony with the Uganda Revenue Authority.


To access Roperfree Brand Products please visit the following links and outlets:

Jakana Organic Foods Ltd, All Natural Food Processor & Packing

Sankara Supermarket, Entebbe Road

Kasumba Square- Busega, Kampala

Asian African Commodities- Italian Supermarket, Muyenga

Sunrise Catering Services Ltd- Kampala

Freeca Pharmacy, Wandegeya

Mega Supermarkets; Opposite Old taxpark & Garden City Mall

Majex Pharmacy- Kajjansi town center, Entebbe Road

Green Hill Academy Service Ltd- Kampala, Uganda

KamCare Pharma Ltd, Plot 6. Prime Complex Wilson Rd.

Spring Pharmacy, Wilson Road

Ecopharm Pharmacy, Capital Shoppers Mall- Ntida

Eurojoi Pharmacy plot 3 William Street, Kampala

Backpackers- Mengo

Millennium Supermarket- Kisemiti, Kololo

Numack Pharmacy- Mengo, Kampala

Aidchild-Equation Gallery & Art Café, Masaka- Mbarara Road

West- Link Pharmacies; Lubowa Quality Village Mall & Kitende Entebbe Road.

JohnRich Supermarket: Kabalagala, Gaba Road













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