The Question is why the Sub-Saharan Africa Countries have few Incidences of COVID-19

By Roperfree
Africa has been known for scourges of numerous diseases such as; Malaria, AIDS, Ebola, Tuberculosis, typhoid and Cholera which have prompted all Africa countries to make tough preventative measures in order to protect their masses against the flames of COVID-19 which could sweep the whole continent due to poor medical facilities, lack of enough medical professionals and financial capacity to fight against the deadly disease once it sparks off like atomic bomb.

On the hand, we can say that at the moment Africa has been lucky with few cases of COVID-19. According the Aljazeera news; As of March 19, 33 African countries had reported more than 600 cases and 17 deaths due to COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus. More than 40 people have recovered. In the USA 48 deaths and 2,100 cases reported up to date.

The Question is why the Sub-Saharan Africa Countries have few Incidences of COVID-19

For the last 4 weeks Roperfree has been compiling research reports on COVID-19 by asking opinion from different medical professionals on how they think about the COVID-19 so the first on the list to be asked was our elder brother a medical doctor based in South Africa. When Roperfree asked him about the virus invasion to Africa, he had a strong opinion that many Africans have had numerous fatal diseases like; malaria, cholera, typhoid, tuberculosis etc, and many grew up in tough living environment so he thought that many Africans could fight off the disease by themselves due to body immunity but he emphasized that COVID-19 like any other viral diseases has no cure but the body will fight off itself like as it does to other strains of flu.
Roperfree asked another medical professional Dr.Walunsimbi based in the United Kingdom, gave us almost same answers, he further told us that the weather condition in Africa could not allow the virus to live for long time and that could be an added advantage in stopping the virus transmission, and he further mentioned that we as Africans have had numerous diseases like; malaria, measles, mumps etc which could have made the body to have immunity to fight off the COVID-19.

Roperfree went further to ask our younger brother a Biochemist based in USA he also had almost same opinion and disclosed to us that a simple Chloroquine malaria drug is going to be used to fight off the disease soon as below sources:

The Biochemist who is working from home on basis of self isolation as many of us, but while the USA is busy searching for solution like many countries to stop COVID-19 he had conference call meeting today on March 19, 2020 with his colleagues and raised the point to study why the Sub-Saharan Africa countries which are malaria endemic countries have lower cases of COVID-19. Does it mean that people who have had malaria before have resistance? Could it be the weather or the organic foods they eat?    

More research should be done so that we could get solution on how to fight against the COVID-19 more effectively.

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Torch Ginger Mexican Restaurant in Entebbe
Kam Care Pharma Ltd, Plot 6, Prime Complex, Wilson Road.
Ecopharm Pharmacy, Capital Shoppers Mall-Ntinda
Eurojoi Pharmacy plot 3 William Street-Kampala
Milleneum Supermarket- Kisemiti- Kololo
Cathy's message parlor at backpacks hostel Mengo-Kampala
Numack Pharmacy-Mengo, Kampala
Aidchild-Equation Gallery &Art cafe, Masaka-Mbarara Road.
Kenjoy Supermarket Najjanankubi, Entebbe Road.
Spring Pharmacy- Wilson Road
Mega Supermarket; Old tax park & Garden City Mall.
Frieeca Pharmacy- Wandegeya
Majex Pharmacy-Kajjansi
WestLink Pharmacy; Lubowa Quality Village Mall & Kitende, Entebbe Road.
Asian African Commodities- Italian Supermarket; Muyenga-Kabalagala.
Kasumba Square-Busega, Kampala
Access Pharmacy-Bukoto, Kiira Road opposite Victoria Hospital
JohnRich Supermarket; Kabalagala, Gaba Road.


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