Bobi Wines COVID -19 Song is Trending Worldwide.

By Roperfree While we are looking for answers and God’s mercy so that the wrath of CODIV-19 goes away but the global pandemic is starting to sink in our minds as many of us we have been in denial or illusion like set of mind. The reality is settling in with full of uncertainty about what is going on in this era of COVID-19 which has brought the global government to care, have empathy in humanitarianism, communities while families are getting closer than before, socialism might supersede individualism"capitalism". As many realizes that life is more important than anything else. “Stay home campaign to protect life is the order of the day now”. No one wants to die! . Uganda is doing it’s on share in sensitizing the masses about COVID-19 plus the leaders around the world who have or are doing the same, interestingly the “BobiWine” song about corona virus is one the best trending hits in the world with its sensitization campaign message and by the tim...