Roperfree on James Mugga Radio Show First Ugandan Internet Radio on the Globe Based in UK

By Roperfree

Roperfree was honored to be invited on James Mugga show connect Uganda an Internet live streaming radio which started at 3: 00 pm Toronto time and in UK it was 8:00 pm.

Connect Uganda is our favorite radio and I have been a fan for almost 12 years now on the other hand, I could say that I am one of the few loyal customers to advertise Kasumba Square in 2008-09 to target Ugandans in diasporas and at home via the Internet and maybe could be one of the first one to serve our community via

The program tacked a lot of subjects; politically, economically and socially, though I have been to so many television shows but this has been my first Radio show and maybe because I loved the radio ever since it started and the luck has to bounce back to where the heart is. The radio is great! and the stuffs are my buddies! You can’t fail to fall in love with this radio because of its various educative an informative programs plus the stereo sound air wave is superb! For further information please check

We went through innovation programs I have done in order to transform the society from ISSB brick making up to Roperfree mosquito repellent to fight against malaria in order to save lives.

A good entrepreneur is the one who sees challenge as blessing and use/invest his/her creativity mind, resources and time in order to get solutions to the problems faced with for future financial gains.

The show was great but a bit challenging because due to the reasons that the presenters were surprised to learn that malaria kills between 72,000- 80,000 per annum that is 200 deaths a day and in a month is 6000.  The panel wanted to know the price of mosquito repellent on the market as they were a bit concerned that the people deep down in the village might not afford the average price of 5000sh. per 60 ml bottle which serves family of 3 a month or 1 person for 3 month but the truth is  that malaria causes poverty because once people get sick they cannot work and that means lost income. So as to keep a health and thriving economy malaria should be taken seriously as public health concern and implementation of preventative methods like; Roperfree mosquito repellents oils, it’s high time  the Ministry of Health subsidized at least to the most vulnerable such as; children below five years, pregnant mothers and the elderly.

The panel raised concern in case of counterfeiting Roperfree mosquito repellent oils, but the National Drug Authority has the mandate to monitor and evaluate any fake drugs in the country. NDA has to keep Ugandan drugs safe from misuse, counterfeit, check and dispose the expired drugs in stores and pharmacies.

For further information about Roperfree Brand Products please check our online store /site which has opened today on February 16, 2020  and for every purchase 10 percent goes to fight against malaria by offering free mosquito repellents plus doing sensitization campaigns across the country.

Roperfree Brand Products can be purchased at our online store  &  plus the following outlets in and around Kampala:

Kam Care Pharma Ltd, Plot 6, Prime Complex, Wilson Road.
Ecopharm Pharmacy, Capital Shoppers Mall-Ntinda
Eurojoi Pharmacy plot 3 William Street-Kampala
Milleneum Supermarket- Kisemiti- Kololo
Cathy's message parlor at backpacks hostel Mengo-Kampala
Numack Pharmacy-Mengo, Kampala
Aidchild-Equation Gallery &Art cafe, Masaka-Mbarara Road.
Kenjoy Supermarket Najjanankubi, Entebbe Road.
Spring Pharmacy- Wilson Road
Mega Supermarket; Old tax park & Garden City Mall.
Frieeca Pharmacy- Wandegeya
Majex Pharmacy-Kajjansi
WestLink Pharmacy; Lubowa Quality Village Mall & Kitende, Entebbe Road.
Asian African Commodities- Italian Supermarket; Muyenga-Kabalagala.
Kasumba Square-Busega, Kampala
Access Pharmacy-Bukoto, Kiira Road opposite Victoria Hospital
JohnRich Supermarket; Kabalagala, Gaba Road.


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