Hand Sanitisers were Serious Jeopardy World-Wide Due to COVID-19

By Roperfree A big plan to get more hand sanitizer into stores was in serious jeopardy. Panic shopping and hoarding of hand sanitizer during the pandemic had made it nearly impossible to find any in stores. Families turned to YouTube tutorials to make their own. The unusual circumstances of the pandemic surfaced a possible solution to easing the sanitizer shortage as Uganda had only one company called Saraya producing hand sanitisers and there were shortages until the WHO health & the Ministry of Health eased up by encouraging more companies to join in so Roperfree turned the challenge into blessing by entering the race to produce high quality hand sanitisers in Uganda. Roperfree hand sanitisers are in 60ml, 100ml, and 500ml bottles with different cover tops such as mist sprays, pumps and flip/presser-tops: · 80% v/v ethanol solution. · Broad Spectrum Of Antim...