Canadian Youths Battle Malaria in "Wakanda"

By Roperfree Roperfree is a social enterprise formed to fight malaria in Uganda and the rest of Sub-Saharan Africa. Further to that we are battling rheumatism while using organic herbal Aromatherapy essential oils under Roperfree brand name. Canadian youths namely: Willis, Phyllis and Ellis packed up their bags on January 21, 2020 and went to “Wakanda” to tackle malaria which kills about 100,000 per year especially the children below five years, pregnant mothers and the elderly The youths joined the battle to fight malaria in order to encourage other Canadian youth by causing awareness that malaria is a world health concern which needs International attention in order to eliminate it up to zero status. Youths in Uganda are the youngest population in the world, with 77% of its population being under 25 years of age so Canadian youth were able to connect easily due to age similarities. The malaria campaigns were done in different parts of country such as...