Africa is Developing New Intervention Tools To Tackle Malaria

In 2012 two Burkinabe (Bukina Faso) students Moctar Dembélé and Gérard Niyondiko innovated malaria-repellent soap from natural herbs, the brains behind Faso Soap, were awarded a $25,000 prize for their invention in 2013 when they became the first African winners of the Global Social Venture Competition at the University of California Berkeley. Moctor Dembele & Gerald Niyondiko founder Faso Soap Two years ago, three Ugandan researchers developed a diagnostic kit that gives a result in two minutes with the help of a Smartphone after one of the co-founder called Brian Giita got malaria which was difficult to diagnose as he had other diseases too as narrated by co-founder Sheffik Ssekito Brian Giita founder Matibabu device The Matibabu device uses light scattering and magnetism. The Kampala-based researchers said their motivation stemmed from the fact that they had all previously been infected with malaria. On the...